Living On Purpose In Christ

Weekly Bible Study Lessons Online

Paula Behrens

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The Resurrection of Jesus Christ holds the key to understanding the foundation of Christian faith and the promise of eternal life. Listen in on the first episode of an ongoing Adult Bible Study, as we explore the profound significance of Jesus' resurrection, a pivotal event that shapes the beliefs and hopes of Christians worldwide. The Gospel of John tells the powerful story that unveils the deeper meaning behind Jesus' declaration, "I am the resurrection and the life." 

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Paula Behrens:

Welcome to another episode of Living on Purpose in Christ. Are you ready to enhance your spiritual journey and immerse yourself in the timeless wisdom of the Bible? Join our exclusive weekly podcast, sound Wisdom Adult Bible Study, where we bring you a new captivating lesson every week, designed specifically for adult groups passionate about exploring the depths of scripture. Hello, I'm Paula, your host and digital creator of these enriching weekly lessons. I am so happy to introduce you to our newest resource, where we dive into the profound teachings of the Bible to uncover timeless truths and wisdom that can inspire and guide us in our everyday lives. Today, we begin a transformative exploration of the power and purpose of Jesus' resurrection. To learn more about how you can access these weekly lessons and the printable resources, please check the link in the show notes. Welcome to our Bible study lesson Embracing the Power and Purpose of Jesus' Resurrection.

Paula Behrens:

The resurrection of Jesus Christ, as chronicled in the Gospels, stands as the cornerstone of the Christian faith, offering believers a glimpse into the promise of eternal life. At the heart of this event lies a foundational verse from the Gospel of John, chapter 11, verse 25, which says I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live even though they die. This verse encapsulates the essence of the Christian belief in the resurrection of Jesus. It speaks to the power and authority inherent in Christ, who not only conquered death but also promises life beyond the physical realm of those who place their trust in him. To fully appreciate the significance of this declaration, one must look into the context in which it was spoken. In John 11, we find the account of Jesus' encounter with Martha and Mary following the death of their brother Lazarus. Despite their grief and despair, jesus arrives with a message of hope and assurance. When Martha expresses her belief in the resurrection at the last day, jesus responds with a profound revelation of his identity, saying I am the resurrection and the life. With these words, he declares himself as the source and embodiment of life eternal. The events unfold with breathtaking clarity as Jesus stands before the tomb of Lazarus, commanding him to come forth. In a miraculous display of power, lazarus, who had been dead for four days, emerges from the grave, bound in burial cloth. This miraculous resurrection points to the greater resurrection yet to come, that of Jesus Christ himself.

Paula Behrens:

The resurrection of Jesus is the linchpin of Christian theology and the focal point of redemption. Through his death and resurrection, jesus atoned for the sins of humanity and opened the door to reconciliation with God. We see this as the Apostle Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 15, verse 17. Which says and if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile. You are still in your sins. Paul asserts that if Christ had not been raised from the dead, then the entire foundation of the Christian faith would crumble. Without the resurrection, there would be no assurance of forgiveness of sins, no hope of eternal life and no reconciliation with God. Indeed, as Paul states, your faith is futile. You are still in your sins.

Paula Behrens:

The resurrection of Jesus serves as the ultimate validation of his identity as the Son of God and the fulfillment of God's promises. It confirms Jesus' claim to deity and authority, affirming his power over death and validating his message of salvation. Moreover, the resurrection assures believers of their own future resurrection and inheritance of eternal life, as Paul elaborates in 1 Corinthians 15, verse 20, saying but Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. Moreover, the resurrection of Jesus embodies the promise of new life for believers today and in the future. Just as Christ conquered death, so too can those who are united with him through faith anticipate the resurrection of their own bodies and the inheritance of eternal life. This assurance is echoed throughout the New Testament, offering comfort and hope to all believers.

Paula Behrens:

Peter, in his first epistle, reflects on the impact of Christ's resurrection when he writes in 1 Peter, chapter 1, verse 3 through 5, praise be to the God and Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ. In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you who, through faith, are shielded by God's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. Here Peter emphasizes the power of the resurrection, highlighting the living hope in eternal inheritance that believers receive through their faith in Christ. The resurrection of Jesus stands as a testament to the power of God to overcome the forces of darkness, including sin and death. It is a beacon of hope in a world plagued by darkness and despair, offering the promise of redemption and eternal life to all who believe, as we reflect on the words of Jesus in John, chapter 11, verse 25, the exhortation of Paul in 1 Corinthians 15, verse 17, and the exhortation of Peter in 1 Peter 1, verses 3-5, let us embrace the reality that Jesus is indeed the resurrection and the life. In him we find not only the ultimate victory over death, but also the assurance of life everlasting. Our faith is anchored in the risen Christ, whose triumph over the grave offers us hope, redemption and the promise of eternal fellowship with God. Therefore, let us live in the light of this truth, confidently proclaiming the reality of Christ's resurrection and allowing this truth to permeate every aspect of our lives. Here are a few ways the resurrection of Christ applies to everyday life.

Paula Behrens:

The resurrection of Jesus serves as a source of hope and encouragement in the midst of life's challenges. Believers can draw strength from the assurance that, just as Christ conquered death, they too can overcome obstacles and difficulties with the help of God's power. The death and resurrection of Jesus provide the foundation for forgiveness and redemption. Believers can extend grace and forgiveness to others, recognizing that they have been forgiven by God through Christ's sacrifice. This mindset fosters healthier relationships and promotes reconciliation. The resurrection signifies new life in Christ for believers. It inspires them to live transformed lives, leaving behind old patterns of sin and embracing a life of righteousness and holiness, empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Paula Behrens:

Keeping the reality of the resurrection in mind helps believers maintain an eternal perspective. They are reminded that this life is temporary and their ultimate citizenship is in heaven. This perspective shapes their priorities, leading them to invest in eternal matters rather than being solely focused on temporal concerns. Believers are called to share the good news of the gospel with others. The knowledge of Christ's resurrection gives them confidence in proclaiming the message of salvation, knowing that Jesus has triumphed over sin and death and offers eternal life to all who believe in him. The resurrection of Jesus dispels the fear of death for believers. They can face life's uncertainties and even death itself with confidence, knowing that Christ has secured their eternal destiny and they will one day be resurrected to new life in his presence. Believers can empathize with the struggles of others, knowing that Jesus himself experienced suffering and death. This understanding fosters compassion and drives believers to extend love and support to those in need reflecting the selfless love of Christ. Reflecting on the magnitude of what Christ accomplished through his death and resurrection, leads believers to express gratitude in worship. They are moved to live lives characterized by thankfulness and adoration for God's incredible gift of salvation.

Paula Behrens:

Now there are lots of different scriptures that you can study about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. You'll find them in your downloadable resource. I've also added there group discussion questions for those who want to use this lesson in a group setting. And then there are the deeper reflections. So go ahead and download your resource now and reflect on what the resurrection of Jesus Christ means to you. Be sure to check the show notes for a link to access the printable resources which will enhance your study and deepen your understanding as you explore profound truths found in the Bible. Thank you for joining us on this enlightening journey. Until next time, be blessed as you continue to live on purpose in Christ.