Living On Purpose In Christ

Embracing Advent: Keeping Jesus at the Center of Holiday Activities

Paula Behrens

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Join Paula in an uplifting and heartwarming exploration of keeping Jesus at the center of the Advent season, even amidst the whirlwind of holiday activities. Discover how to transform the bustling days leading up to Christmas into moments of spiritual reflection and joy. Paula shares personal insights and practical tips for dedicating intentional daily devotional time, starting each day with gratitude, and integrating faith into family activities. These intentional practices promise to enrich your Advent experience, ensuring that the true spirit of the season remains at the heart of your celebrations.

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Paula Behrens:

Hello, welcome back to Living on Purpose in Christ, where we explore ways to center our lives on Jesus. Hi, I'm Paula, your host, and today we will be diving into a topic that's really close to my heart, and that is how to keep Jesus at the center of the busy Advent season. As the days grow shorter and the festive season approaches, it's all too easy to get swept up in the holiday hustle and bustle, isn't it? From planning family gatherings and buying gifts to attending parties and decorating our homes, our to-do lists seem to grow longer by the day. But amidst this whirlwind of activity, we can maintain a focus on what truly matters, and that is the birth of our Savior, jesus Christ. Today, I'll be sharing three intentional ways to center Jesus in your heart and home during this wonderful time of anticipation. So grab a cup of tea, find a cozy spot and let's embark on this journey together.

Paula Behrens:

The first way to keep Jesus at the center is to dedicate intentional daily devotional time. Now, I know daily devotional might sound like just another task to add to your list, but think of it as nourishment for your soul, a time to connect, reflect and recharge in the presence of God. Begin with prayer. Start each morning with a prayer of gratitude and openness. Invite Jesus into your day and ask for his guidance and peace. Simple affirmations like Lord lead my heart today can set a powerful tone for the hours ahead. And then there are those Advent reading plans. Many churches provide Advent reading plans this time of year. Possibly your church is one of them. These readings often include scriptures, reflections and prayers that align with the journey toward Christmas. Consider starting your day with these contemplations, allowing the story of Jesus' birth to unfold in your heart as you progress through each week. And, of course, reflection is so very important. After reading your devotionals, spend a few moments in silence, listening for God's voice. Reflect on what you've read and how it applies to your life. If journaling is your thing, then write down any thoughts or revelations that come to you. This practice not only enriches your morning, but also keeps the message of Jesus alive in your heart throughout the day. Next, let's move into the topic of gratitude. End your day with a moment of gratefulness. Reflect on how Jesus was present in your interactions and experiences for the day. This mindful reflection will help you wrap up your day in a spirit of thankfulness and recognition of his constant presence with you. The second way to keep Jesus at the center during this very busy season is to integrate faith into your family activities.

Paula Behrens:

Advent is a time of preparation and waiting, and observing it as a family can deepen your shared faith journey. One thing I love about this season is the Advent wreath. Create or purchase an Advent wreath to mark your Sundays leading up to Christmas. Set aside time each week to gather around the wreath, light the candles and engage in family prayers or readings for the remainder of the season. This beautiful tradition serves as a visual reminder of Jesus' light coming into the world. You might also consider the meetin of the nativity scene.

Paula Behrens:

Setting up a nativity scene is more than just decoration. It's a storytelling opportunity. Involve the entire family in setting up the scene. As you place each figure, discuss its significance and role in the birth of Jesus. This can turn into a cherished ritual that renews the anticipation and meaning of Christmas for the whole family. You can also create an Advent calendar, if you like, that focuses on giving rather than receiving. Each day, draw a slip of paper with an act of kindness written on it, whether it's baking cookies for a neighbor, donating toys or helping a local shelter. These acts not only serve others, but also reflect Jesus' message of love and generosity. Also consider what I call scripture activities, engaging in activities that combine creativity with spirituality. For those with young children, crafting ornaments or wall art featuring Bible verses can be a lot of fun. These creations can serve as a constant reminder of faith as you adorn your home and your Christmas tree. My grand twins still cherish decorating their tree with ornaments they made when they were just six or seven years old.

Paula Behrens:

Finally, let's talk about embracing simplicity and intentional reflection during Advent. You know it's easy to get lost in the endless gifts and activities, but simplicity helps us to focus on the true reason for the season. First, commit to simplifying your holiday decorations and gift-giving activities. Opt for handmade or meaningful gifts that emphasize thoughtfulness over quantity. Each gift can be a reflection of Jesus' love, tailor-made for the recipient.

Paula Behrens:

Then, set aside a day each week during Advent to rest and reflect. Use this time to step back, unplug from the distractions and engage in activities that bring you peace, whether it's walking in nature, quiet reading i, quiet reading or family time. Embrace these moments as reminders of the divine rest God intended for us, and spend some time pondering over what Jesus' birth means to you personally. How does his coming impact your life, your choices and your relationships? This reflection can bring deeper insight and spiritual growth. Finally, participate in community worship services or volunteer opportunities, if possible, whether it's a church service, a caroling group or a community service project. These experiences remind us that we are part of the larger body of Christ, celebrating his love and grace together.

Paula Behrens:

Okay, as we navigate the busy Advent season, may these practices offer you guidance and inspiration to keep Jesus at the center of your celebrations. Remember, it's not about doing everything perfectly, but it's about intentionality. Infusing faith in family traditions and practicing simplicity, you invite more of Christ's peace and joy into your life and the lives of those around you. Thank you for joining us today. If you've enjoyed the show, please consider subscribing and leaving a review and, of course, by all means share this podcast with friends who might also find encouragement in the message from today. Until next time, may you walk in His light and love with purpose and intention. Stay blessed and I hope Living on Purpose in Christ continues to be a place of inspiration and community for each of you during this busy Advent season and beyond. Go now in peace. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you now and forever, and all of God's people say Amen.