Living On Purpose In Christ

Surrender & Soar

Paula Behrens

Welcome to "Living On Purpose In Christ," the podcast where we embark on a transformative journey towards Christ-centered personal growth. Check out my blog post for more: Leap of Faith: How Letting Go Unleashes Unexpected Blessings 

Let me set the stage for today's show with a question: How often do you find yourself holding on tightly to your own plans, your own ways of thinking, or even your own understanding of your circumstances? In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to fall into the trap of self-reliance. But Scripture calls us to something far deeper — a life of surrender, especially in prayer.

Hello, I'm Paula Behrens, your host for the "Living on Purpose In Christ" podcast. I'm so excited to have you with us as we dive into our show today, "The Power of Surrender." This concept is inspired by the deep peace that arises when we hand over our cares and burdens to God. Today, we'll be exploring how embracing surrender can truly transform our lives, with faith as our guiding foundation. Thanks again for joining us, and let's embark on this transformative journey together!

Visit my webpage to discover the Faith Building CLUB, an exclusive monthly membership overflowing with resources designed to nurture and strengthen your faith—featuring prayer journals, devotionals, Bible lessons, a One-Year Bible reading plan, and so much more. 

And if you enjoyed today's discussion, don’t forget to share it with others and subscribe for more faith-building content on my website: and share my podcast page with your friends.

Until next time, may your life be a testimony of Christ’s strength within you. God bless and see you then!

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Welcome to "Living On Purpose In Christ," the podcast where we embark on a transformative journey towards Christ-centered personal growth. 

Let me set the stage for today's show with a question: How often do you find yourself holding on tightly to your own plans, your own ways of thinking, or even your own understanding of your circumstances? In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to fall into the trap of self-reliance. But Scripture calls us to something far deeper — a life of surrender, especially in prayer.

Hello, I'm Paula Behrens, your host for the "Living on Purpose In Christ" podcast. I'm so excited to have you with us as we dive into our show today, "The Power of Surrender." This concept is inspired by the deep peace that arises when we hand over our cares and burdens to God. Today, we'll be exploring how embracing surrender can truly transform our lives, with faith as our guiding foundation. Thanks again for joining us, and let's embark on this transformative journey together!

The words of the Psalmist - "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding" give us a beautiful picture of what it means to live a surrendered life, especially when we come before God in prayer. The first part of Proverbs chapter 3, verse 5 encourages us to "trust in the Lord with all our heart." This implies a full commitment, a wholehearted confidence that God is not just capable but also willing to guide and protect us.

This kind of trust is not passive. It's an active, conscious decision every day to release control, to set aside our own agendas and perspectives, and let God take the lead. It's kinda' like dancing, ya know. I'm always wanting to take the lead, but we've got to let God take the lead. When we approach prayer with this mindset of letting God take the lead, we begin to open our hearts fully to God's will, knowing that whatever He has planned is good and perfect.

I'm going to share a deeply personal story about my entrepreneurial journey. It began long before my time as a pastor in the church and even interwove with my years of service. Driven by a passion to use my creative gifts in a way I believed would honor God, my path has been an incredible adventure.

Here's how my entrepreneurial spirit beautifully intertwined with my pastoral calling. When I first answered the call, I left my business ventures behind to prepare to be a pastor. And there were several of them. And even in those early years of seminary, I served solely as a pastor, dedicating my life to guiding others on their spiritual paths. But after graduation and amidst my responsibilities as an ordained elder, an entrepreneurial side venture began to take shape (again) in my heart—a business that allowed me to explore creativity and innovation during my Sabbath days of rest, distinctly separate from my pastoral duties. It was an exhilarating endeavor, but one that, unknowingly, I tried to manage in my own strength.

As a pastor, I often preached about surrendering to God, yet I found myself holding tightly to the reins of my budding "hobby that happened to be lucrative" as the District Superintendent called it. I believed that this venture was best navigated under my own control—after all, wasn't I the one who started it? But as time went on and even after retirement from my time as a full-time position in the church, I felt increasingly overwhelmed and stretched too thin, caught in a cycle of relentless striving.

My turning point came during a moment of reflection. Sitting in quiet prayer, I realized the irony of my situation—just as I had surrendered my pastoral gifts to God’s guidance, I also needed to give control of my entrepreneurial gifts to Him, as well. That's the moment I chose to intentionally release the control of my life-coaching and faith building practice into God's hands, trusting not in my own understanding, but welcoming God's wisdom into every aspect of my business. It was our business now, with Jesus in the lead. This shift was both peaceful and empowering, opening doors I had never imagined could be opened. As I aligned my business decisions with divine guidance, I noticed an ease in operations and an unexpected growth in opportunities.

Today, my entrepreneurial venture is such a joy for me, not just as a business, but as an extension of my faith and ministry. It's a testament to what can happen when we let go of our limited vision and embrace the infinite possibilities that surrender to God's will offers.

For any fellow Christians walking a similar path—those juggling multiple callings or feeling overwhelmed by the weight of it all—I encourage you to consider surrendering in prayer. Embrace the divine guidance available to you. Trust in the journey, and you'll find that when you give control to God, what unfolds is nothing short of miraculous.

Which is the perfect segue into the second part of Proverbs 3:5, "do not lean on your own understanding." That's kinda' difficult for me, but Proverbs 3:5 says "do NOT lean on your own understanding." So, think about the word "lean." It implies putting your weight on something for support. How often do we lean on our own knowledge? How often do we lean on our limited perceptions, trying to figure things out on our own? Guilty here!

When we rely solely on our understanding, we can become overwhelmed, anxious, and even misguided. But prayer is an invitation to lay all our burdens, questions, and uncertainties at the feet of our Creator, who sees the bigger picture. By giving it all to Him in prayer, we acknowledge that His ways are higher than ours, and His thoughts surpass our comprehension.

Surrender in prayer doesn't mean resigning ourselves to whatever happens; rather, it means actively participating in God's plan with a heart fully open to His direction. As we trust in Him, we invite His peace, wisdom, and understanding to flood our lives, transforming our perspectives and aligning us more closely with His will.

Let’s consider a practical example: Imagine you're facing a major decision, be it in your career, family, or personal life. The natural inclination is to analyze, dwell, and strategize, right? But what if, instead, you paused and turned to prayer? Surrendering in this manner isn't about losing ourselves; it's about finding true freedom by trusting God to light the path ahead.

In closing, I encourage you to take a moment today to reflect on where you might be leaning too heavily on your own understanding. Bring these areas before God in prayer. Ask Him for guidance and be willing to accept His peace as you navigate through life's challenges. You will be glad you did. 

Thank you for joining me for today's show. May you find strength in surrendering to God’s will through prayer, trusting Him wholeheartedly to direct your path.

And remember, growth doesn't happen in isolation, so I'd love for you to continue this journey with us.

Visit my website to discover the Faith Building CLUB, an exclusive monthly membership overflowing with resources designed to nurture and strengthen your faith—featuring prayer journals (the perfect companion for today’s topic of surrendering in prayer). There are also devotional journals, Bible lessons, a One-Year Bible reading plan, and more. So, type in into you browser right now to learn more.

If you enjoyed today's show, don’t forget to share it with others and subscribe for more faith-building content on my website:

Until next time, may your life be a testimony of Christ’s strength within you. God bless and see you on the next show!